
Challenge of Artificial Intelligence

HOSTED BY Anne Nicholson



The time of complacency about the future is over. Egoism whispers: let someone else sacrifice to fix the future. Transhumanism expects some will escape this obligation by uploading their soul into the “cloud” where they will co-exist with our creation, Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI). Must we become co-creators or can we escape responsibility? Both Nicanor Perlas and Andrew Linnell make an urgent plea: we must take immediate steps to ensure technology aligns with goals of human evolution.




May 01 2019


$ 10.00 Suggested Donation


  • Andrew Linnell
    Andrew Linnell

    Andrew Linnell is a graduate of the University of Michigan (MSE ’73), a member of the Anthroposophical Society since 1979, and president of the Boston Branch. A former CTO with over 40 years in the computer industry, he is co-founder of MysTech. He also runs thechristianmysteries.com. He studied art history with William Mann at Emerson College, Sussex, England.

  • Anne Nicholson
    Anne Nicholson

    Anne Nicholson is the Program Director at CFAE. She is an Anthropologist and an Educator of Embodied Mindfulness and Experiential Learning. Her 20-year career has been in Technology and Communications. She is living and working in Silicon Valley.

  • Nicanor Perlas
    Nicanor Perlas

    He is an adviser, global activist, writer, and speaker on artificial intelligence, globalization, and the sciences. He is a member of the Phillipine Senate Task Force on Artificial Intelligence. For the global impact of his work, he has received the Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize), the Outstanding Filipino Award, and UNEP’S Global 500 Award. He has advised UN agencies, the Office of the Philippine President and Congress, as well as cities and towns undertaking large-scale social threefolding projects. He has headed global and national civil society networks responsible for reassessing and stopping twelve nuclear power plants, banning thirty-two pesticide formulations, and bringing about mainstream sustainable development, including organic farming in the Philippines.


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