

Recorded Presentations on the Mysteries of Technology

The recordings presented here are given by a host of speakers dedicated to understanding and imparting what they know of the mysteries of technology. Each presentation is given by a speaker working out of their field of expertise. For a true path toward the ideals of a Moral Technology, the field of work from whence research is derived must be broad and rich in inspiration. Each person is sure to find inspiration in many of these fine recordings.

Most of the recording here are free with a voluntary suggested donation. Some of them, such as the longer workshops are a set price, others may have a price or donation set directly by the presenter. Please support the presenters and their work as much and as often as possible.

Katie Singer will outline the energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, toxic waste and worker hazards involved in conferencing by Zoom. She’ll introduce the rules and regulations that value telecommunications over wildlife, wildlife habitats and public health. Then, with awareness of our digital footprint, we can take steps to reduce it.

Katie Singer writes about nature and technology. Her first book, The Wholeness of a Broken Heart, a novel, explores relationships between the living and the dead before, during and after the Holocaust. Her books about natural family planning include the Garden of Fertility (re-issued by Random House in April 2021) and Honoring Our Cycles. SteinerBooks published An Electronic Silent Spring, about the health and environmental effects of exposure to electromagnetic radiation from devices and telecom infrastructure. Katie’s now completing a book about the ecological impacts of the Internet, electric vehicles, solar power and industrial wind systems–and another about electronics’ fire hazards. She spoke about the Internet’s footprint at the United Nations’ 2018 forum on Science, Technology & Innovation, and, in 2019, on a panel with Dr. Jim Hansen.

Robots are starting to play many roles in our society: nursing home companions for the elderly, babysitters, self-driving cars, children’s playmates, and many others. Based on in-depth psychological studies, I explore what happens to the human soul and spirit, especially in children, when we treat artificial intelligence as if it were human. My research shows that the more we pretend that machines can be human, the more we will treat people like machines. Boyd Collins has worked as an online content management specialist for universities, large multinational corporations and consulting companies for nearly three decades. He helped develop the Scholarly Communications Center at Rutgers University, a center for electronic research. Some of the companies he worked for include Accenture and SAIC (now Leidos), one of the leading contractors for U.S. military and intelligence agencies. Later, he became SharePoint Architect for one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. In this position, he developed many techniques to enhance user engagement and guide user behavior online. Since his retirement in 2019, he has been researching and writing about the methods used by social media to keep users engaged so that their behavior can be predicted and nudged toward profitable outcomes by platforms such as Facebook and Google. He has published the results of his research in being human, New View, and Covid Call to Humanity.

The TAO of AI is about the relationship of the spiritual worlds to the growing artificial intelligence of the externalized material world. As false conceptions leave us free, because we must seek beyond them to truth (according to Steiner), AI aids that freedom-seeking of human beings. By AI extending the false conceptions of the external material world our understanding of thinking and consciousness must ultimately penetrate to the truth. The spiritual worlds are not built on intellectualism, but upon the relationships between beings. Thinking is a spiritual ‘experience’ and this reality has far-reaching importance for understand the dead-thinking of AI. The TAO of AI thus points to the resurrection of thinking from misconception to spiritual experience, a stage where a Rosicrucian may be called a, “Knight of the Golden Stone.”

Daniel Perez is a technologist, a Waldorf school graduate, a philosopher and an Anthroposophist. He was born in Nyack NY and graduated from the University of Rochester with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. His main career is as a System Architect, leading engineering teams in the Boston area in cloud computing development for a new generation of factory automation. He also is co-founder of Threefold Capital Corp, an investment company initiative, and sits on several non-profit boards including the Center for Anthroposophy. He and his wife live in Peterborough NH and have two adult children living in San Francisco, one of whom is a Waldorf teacher.

This presentation will include questions such as, “Can Fintech become a Moral Technology? From the financial crash of 2007-8 several financial technologies emerged poised to bring change to the Economic Sphere. These technologies are inherently binary and thus Ahrimanic, as are many other technologies. We will explore if they can be redeemed to evolve the human being.

Sebastian Bilbao is an independent student of Anthroposophy, who focuses his research on Steiner’s Economic Course and The Threefold Social Organism. He collaborates with MysTech’s Lecturer Gopi Krishna Vijaya in establishing Associative Economics in Utah and is also a participant in the Economics Conference of the Goetheanum. Since 2019 he has been convening colleagues from all over the world to work on a financial technology (fintec) implementation of Steiner’s socioeconomic indications.

The presentation will connect the science of biogeometry, its core energy-principle and the methods it offers in particular to correct the negative effects of EMF technology on living organisms with what the presenter’s own journey into a harmonic cosmology intimates about the inner reality of this core principle as vessel of the Logos. The two paths — empirical and cosmological — converge to one central, golden “mean” of dialogue between heaven and earth.

Monique Pommier, MA, PhDE is a Jungian oriented psychospiritual consultant, astrologer, and author of Planetary Exaltations, The Twelvefold Archetype of the Human Soul, and Harmony, the Heartbeat of Creation. Originally from France, she has been living and practicing in the US for thirty years.

This presentation will discuss the parallels between recent UFO phenomena and Steiner’s cosmology and his description of Ahrimanic beings. The work of John Mack on abductions will be discussed, as well as how the phenomena align with Steiner’s predictions of an Ahrimanic future, the dangers of AI, mind control and transhumanism. After completing advanced studies in Psychology, Robert Filocco has worked in the field of mental health since 1986. Most recently in private practice. He has served as an adjunct professor of Psychology at a number of universities and colleges. Since his youth he has pursued interests in the paranormal, especially UFOs, publishing in The Bulletin of Anomalous Experience, Outer Limits Magazine, and related journals. He is also a children’s book author. Most recently he has pursued in depth reading and study of Rudolf Steiner, leading up to his recent piece “Steiner, Ahriman and UFOs” serving as the basis for the conference’s presentation.

Dr. Elsas will present on the Brain and the Double’s Effects on Human Freedom as a Human Expression of Will. Siegward will talk about the electrical activity in the brain in relation to freedom and will. This leads us to the physiologic basis for the Ahrimanic double in the electrical activity of the brain within the context of anthroposophy and neurophysiology.

Siegward M. Elsas, M.D. is a specialist in neurology and clinical neurophysiology. From 1984-1990 he studied medicine at the anthroposophically inspired private University Witten-Herdecke in Germany, with a special interest in phenomenological Goethean natural science. After this he conducted research in neuroscience at the University of California Berkeley and San Francisco and trained in neurology and clinical neurophysiology at the University of California Los Angeles. From 2002 to 2010, he was Assistant Professor of Neurology at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland Oregon, where he treated patients in the epilepsy center and conducted research of mind-body and botanical treatments for epilepsy. Since June 2012, he has built up the neurology service at the Ita Wegman Klinik / Klinik Arlesheim in Switzerland where he also conducts research on a mind body intervention in epilepsy and an ayurvedic botanical treatment for M. Parkinson.

Transhumanism believes that humanity will soon need to merge with its own creation just in order to survive. Many believe this will greatly enhance our species. Even Rudolf Steiner said that “the welding together of Man and Machine will be an issue for the remainder of our earthly evolution.” How does Anthroposophy meet this challenge? Douglas R. Smith, Ph.D., has over 40 years of experience in human genetics, DNA sequencing, technology development and bioinformatics. Doug led one of the large-scale sequencing centers that helped decode the human genome and was involved in many other pioneering research and development projects. Doug is keenly interested in understanding the spiritual beings and events that underlie physical phenomena and has been a student of Anthroposophy and Christology for nearly as long as his professional career.
When one looks at quotes from Steiner, one might think that Steiner was a Transhumanist. Andrew will explore the differences. This leads to deep insights into human and machine nature and will help us grasp this Steiner quote, “The welding together of Man and Machine will remain a serious issue for the rest of earthly evolution.
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